Thursday, September 6, 2012

White Water Rafting and Camping at Tallulah Gorge

White Water Rafting and Camping at Tallulah Gorge

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Well, we left home base this a.m. in route to Tallulah Falls GA for our annual late summer camping trip/white water adventure with the rest of the family.  Mandy and Braxton/Brice will join us tomorrow after work/school and then we’ll join up with Mark and Lauren Saturday at the Natahallah Outdoor Center (NOC) for an afternoon rafting trip down the white waters of the Chattooga River in South Carolina.  Becoming somewhat of a tradition for our family, this is the third year we have traveled to the North Georgia Mountains and the NOC for an adventurous way to wrap up the waning days summer.

Friday, August 31
We contemplated today being a lazy kickback day awaiting the arrival of the grand-boys this evening – and it was!  Although the day was filled with general camp activities: gathering kindling and firewood for smores, checking out hiking trails and the gorge, getting a plan together to keep up our workout routines, we sill had plenty of time for reading and snoozing.  Oh yeah, Grammy brought along her sewing machine and planned to put together Braxton’s quilt that she began a week ago. 
We did have an unexpected loss of air conditioning today.  By what troubleshooting I did, I believe that the A/C is ok, but the thermostat needs replacing.  The camper uses a specialty thermostat that I’ll have to order once we get back home.  Here’s hoping that it’s only the thermostat!
With the lack of A/C, we were fortunate that the overnight temps were pretty steady at 75 degrees – daytime temps were a little higher, but then, who wants to spend the days cooped up in the camper.  NOT US!
In an effort to ware the g-boys out, Pappy led an expedition to the base of the gorge.  It wasn’t your leisurely stroll down the gorge steps however.  To exhaust these boys, we raced down, back up, and across to the South Rim of Tallulah Gorge.  After hydration, showers and clean clothes, we had a very sound night’s sleepJ

Saturday, September 1
Today, we spent the day on the Chattooga River, Section III.  Our NOC guides, Eric and Warren, were as usual very helpful and reassuring to those that needed reassuring.   {Now, last year we rafted down Section IV of the river which is rated with class IV and V rapids and waterfalls. The NOC has an age limit of 13> (Brice is 11 yoa) to raft this section, however, last year was very dry and the river level was lower – so this is why we were allowed on Section IV at that time.}   You may have heard that about 6 weeks ago there was death at Alice Rock – so this section can certainly be dangerous.  Like I said, for this year, we did Section III, and it was just fine. 
Hannah and William stayed with Lauren’s parents at their home in Seneca SC, which is just down the road a half hour from the NOC.  So, when Hannah found out that Braxton and Brice were rafting with us, she immediately put in to go rafting too!  Mark unsuccessfully explained to her that she had to be 8 yoa to go rafting.  So much for that!  (Just 2 ½ more years Hannah Belle.)

Sunday, September 2
Today’s highlight was lunch at the Dillard House in Rabun County!  This meal has pretty much become a tradition for us too.  Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy chowing down there, but I think Braxton would be the most disappointed of our crew if we were to skip the Dillard House and dine somewhere else. 
After lunch we headed over to Black Rock Mountain State Park to do some hiking.  Because of a constant deluge of rain we didn’t do any hiking but took in the great sites at the parkJ If you haven’t been to BRM Park lately, you’d hardly recognize it.  Admittedly, it’s been a few years since we’ve been through this state park, but it has been reworked and many new campsites added.  All camping here is at the very top of the mountain, so the campsites are a little too crowded for my taste.

Monday, September 3
With Mandy and the g-boys leaving yesterday, nothing much to do today except to catch up on the blog, update computer files, read, and of course – snooze.
Last night it rained off and on.  It was such a comforting feeling to listen to the rain, sometimes loudly, while dry and cozy in the camper.   Today is Labor Day and the park is emptying out fairly quickly.  I suppose by the end of the day we will be the very last ones left in the campground – but that’s ok too!  A quiet park is a good park. 
Tuesday, September 4
Last night it rained ALL NIGHT long…and we were one of four campers left.  Goood sleeping weather!  This morning the rain held off long enough to get the camper packed and racked to pull out.  NO problems…
No problems that is until we were about 15 miles from home…. at which time we experienced another trailer tire blowout!  (We also had a blow out back in February on I-75 at the Florida state line.)  This time we were in Jackson County, GA on Hwy 441 when the tire blew.  Luckily, a Jackson Co Deputy was traveling by and stopped to help.  We had already called GEICO and they dispatched a roadside emergency wrecker to change the tire, but Deputy Holloway stayed with us until we were safely on our way.   [His boss, Sheriff Stan Evans, and I used to work together back in the day, so the time went by quickly as we exchanged war stories]

Even though tire blowouts on the camper are scary at best, and hassles to deal with we are so thankful that this one was a minor blip - just an inconvenience on our way home.   As you know, when a tire blows, there are so many other things that can go terribly wrong and end in tragedy. 
All in all, this was a wonderful week of camping, rafting, hiking, and enjoying our family and we thank God, our protector, for delivering us safely home and injury free.

Brice and Braxton at Tallulah Dam overlook 

Braxton and Brice at Hurricane Shoals at base of the Gorge

Pappy and Brice taking a break after sprinting up from gorge base