Monday, October 12, 2009

Day four and five at Desoto State Park

Sunday morning: We all went to church at Howard's Chapel (Methodist). This little church is built around a bolder which makes for it's uniqueness. The congregation was very friendly and we all felt welcome. The hymns were all gospel favorites ....and they really sang:)
(yes, yes I know if you look at the pic dates you'll see they are different - I stole the July pics from out last trip here)

After Church: We headed over to Desoto Falls to check it out. With all of the rain this region has had the river was raging with a lot of water coming over the falls. This looked very different from when we were here in July!

Sunday afternoon: We hiked a little more and found a great river (the "Little River") and more falls to explore. Huge rocks/bolders all over the place. Perfect for climbing and playing on.

Monday morning: Well it rained all night and this morning. Really wet! So now it's laundry and blogging instead of exploring:(

We are hoping that Tuesday will be dry for exploring the Little River Canyon.
...till next post, Chow, Pappy

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