Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gulf Shores State Park

Hello to all our blogger friends out there. It's been quite a respite since last posting. We have been camping since then but for some reason I couldn't muster the energy to post during our last trip which was to the Okeefenokee Park. There was this slight problem with the 5th Wheel and ... well lets just leave it at that.
Today is a new day and all is good.
We left out Monday afternoon with the idea of traveling to Anywhere Alabama so the full trip to Gulf Shores wouldn't be so exhaustive on my Navigator. We landed in Auburn at a small, quaint state park called Chewacla. It was constructed in 1941 by the CCC and retains it's original charm. The below pic is it's 28 acer lake with rustic dock and diving board. I haven't seen one of these since the 60's.
We only spent the night. (And it was better than a Wal-Mart parking lot)
The last pic is of the Navigator hard at work studying the map. (It may have helped if she had a crash course in Alabamees before we hit Montgomery.)
Cya in Gulf Shores,

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