Tuesday, June 1, 2010

day 8 at Gulf Shores

Grammy taking a lesson...

A funny thing happened today on the way to Naval Air Station, Pensacola.....
there we were minding our own business approaching an intersection when all of a sudden there was a LOUD screeching sound. I thought someone was about to rear end me. I looked in the mirror - nothing. I looked to my right then my left - nothing. We were all about to panic when we saw them... jets - low and over head. Blue Angels.
Little did we know that Tuesdays and Wednesdays were practice days. Very impressive. Even more so when you know whats happening. As we all broke into laughter, I began wishing I had brought an extra pair of shorts:)

The National Aeronautical Musuem is a must see if you're in this area. Very good idea to visit this impressive free attraction on the Navy Base.

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